Walker, Louisiana, USA is a town in Livingston Parish, LA, United States. According to the 2020 census the estimated population of Walker and Denham Springs is placed at 6,139, making this town the most populous parish in Denham Springs. Located on the west bank of Pennington River, Walker was originally built for a New Orleans stagecoach route and was later expanded into an old mill that is still operating today. The town is made up of two main areas; the main area is mostly residential, with several commercial and business buildings all around. More can be found here.

To the southwest of Walker lies Denham Springs, a small town that boasts of its many restaurants and bars, but is not as bustling as its larger neighbor. This place has a lot of history and is very popular with tourists who are visiting Walker for a night out. There are a lot of historical landmarks located here and many of them have been renovated to bring them back to their former glory. For travelers, this place also serves as the perfect place to enjoy the night, as it is home to a number of nightclubs, bars, and restaurants. If you plan to stay in Walker, Louisiana, you will have a lot of choices to choose from; there is something for every traveler. Learn more about Awesome Things You Can Learn From Shenandoah, Louisiana.

The population of Walker can be estimated based on census data, while census data of Denham Springs can also be used to determine its size. The inhabitants of both communities are mostly rural people, who live on farms in close proximity to water bodies such as rivers, lakes, streams and ponds. This population is mostly divided by age and marital status. The ratio of men to women is higher in Denham Springs than in Walker. The ratio of men to children is higher in Denham Springs than in Walker. So, according to this ratio, the population of Denham Springs is more than five times larger than that of Walker, which means that there are more people living in Denham Springs than in Walker, so the percentage of men over women could be a good estimate of the population of Walker.

With the town being close to both Denham Springs and Baton Rouge, travelers can take advantage of all of the attractions in this part of Louisiana. While staying in Walker, Louisiana, there are a number of good hotels that can provide excellent lodging for your budget. Most of these hotels are located on the banks of Pennington River and are within walking distance to the major attractions of this place. Visitors will definitely enjoy their stay here in Walker, Louisiana.

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